Someone on twitter has just posed the question: If somebody asks you what music do you like what do you say? I replied. Independent singer/songwriter folky stuff.- Real people telling me their story.
I’m not impressed by celebrities or their life style. It leaves me cold.
Hear are two good examples of people like:
Victoria Vox drives all around America playing gigs with her pineapple shaped ukuleles writing and promoting her own music. She also plays the mouth trumpet! You can’t help but like her. Click here and you can listen to her latest album.
My other example is Nancy Kelly who simply documents her life in song; her family, faith and the places and houses she has lived in.
She plays her keyboard and mountain dulcimer in coffee shops, farmers markets and festivals around Boise, Idaho.
She like to see her music as “Brightening the world one song at a time.” I totaly agree!
http://www.nancykellymusic.com/home.htmlI don’t listen to the radio anymore, I get all of my music from independent musicians on the internet, it’s like the difference between fast food and home cooking, which would you prefer?
Links to other artists I like:
Aimee Mann
http://www.aimeemann.com/media.phpDevon Sproule http://www.devonsproule.com/
Carolyn Mark http://www.carolynmark.com/multimedia.html
I’ve only just discovered Barnaby Bright, here there new album here! http://barnabybright.bandcamp.com/album/wake-the-hero